Specialty River Diving
Here you will learn how to dive in rivers and what additional equipment is used there.
Training content
In the River Diving specialty , you will learn how to prepare your equipment for diving in rivers and which river-specific additional equipment and rescue equipment is required. In theory and practice, you will be familiarized with the safe planning, preparation and execution of river dives.
Theoretical training
- Why river diving and what expectations you have
- Clear water through flowing water
- Special landscapes formed by glaciers thousands of years ago
- Fish and plant diversity depending on the river basin
- Special experience of the flow velocity of a river
- Dangers of river diving
- Special equipment
- Dive site (access options)
- Alternative variant
- Time of day (use the position of the sun)
- Check the current water level
- Material transportation
- Rescue chain
Practical training
- Dive planning and briefing
- Position of the partners under water
- Behavior during separation under water
- Behavior in an emergency
- Possible rope safety devices
- Use different current strengths (e.g. bank area, midstream)
- Additional equipment
- Safety ropes, spare parts, lamps and first aid equipment
- Debriefing